Winter 2015/16 Course Schedule

The UKOMA group is proud to announce a busy course schedule for Winter 2015 / 2016.  The following courses are still available:


Train the Trainer – 05-06 October 2015

The UKOMA Train the Trainer Course is delivered by Active Plane Training, an organisation specialising in world class aviation training. The two day Train the Trainer course is designed to give airline and aircraft operators staff the necessary training and coaching skills to deliver training within their teams. The course empowers the students and strengthens their confidence and abilities in delivering training.  This course is free to course lecturers.


Aviation Weather Course – 15 October 2015

The Aviation Weather Course is a unique course, delivered by a qualified weather forecaster from the Met Office and tailored for the needs of airlines and aircraft operators. The course is one day crammed full of aviation specific knowledge.


Operations Officer Course – 09-13 November 2015

Designed to give students a condensed week long course in the key skills required to support their development and progression within the industry. Uniquely our course lecturers come from across the ranks within our respective airlines or are specialists within their field – essentially the course is designed by airlines for the needs of airlines. Key subject topics include the Principals of Flight, Flight Planning, Aircraft Performance, Weight and Balance, Meteorology, Security, Emergency Response and others.


Eurocontrol Course –  02-03 December 2015

The Eurocontrol Course is a fantastic opportunity for airlines and aircraft operators to broaden the knowledge of their staff on flight planning within the Eurocontrol area. This two day course is held at Eurocontrol in Brussels and covers the Initial Flight Plan Processing System (IFPS) and Network Management (NM) functions. This course gives operators an in-depth knowledge of how air traffic flow management works in Europe. The course additionally includes an interactive tour of the Eurocontrol Operations Room. Day 1 runs 0900-1600 day 2 runs 0900-1500.


Full Course Schedule

The full course schedule and rates for this winter:-

Course Title


Train the Trainer Course

05-06 October 2015

Aviation Weather Course

15 October 2015

Operations Officer Course

09-13 November 2015

Eurocontrol Course

02-03 December 2015

Aviation Auditing Techniques

18-19 January 2016

Aviation Weather Course

10 February 2016

EASA Operations Course

22-23 February 2016

Operations Officer Course

07-11 March 2016



Please book online using the web link below.  You can pay via credit card or by selecting the system to generate an invoice.  If you select an invoice this will be sent to your email account and you should be paid by bank transfer on receipt.

Any questions get in touch at

UKOMA Web Bookings

UKOMA are pleased to announce the launch of their web bookings engine, which now allows students and their managers to book directly via

The new web booking engine will allow users to book their courses and accommodation with a few simple clicks. It will also automatically generate an invoice to be paid on receipt, or payment can be taken securely via credit card directly on the site.

Please book your 2015 and 2016 courses now by going to

2014 a Successful Year for UKOMA

The final Managers Meeting of 2014 was held in December at BAe Systems Warton. The meeting welcomed four new member companies: Loganair, DHL Air UK, Xclusive Jet Charter and Flightworx.

Chairman Greg Holland, commented “2014 has been a great year for UKOMA, we have increased our membership base by over ten new companies to nearly 30 of the UK’s leading airlines and aircraft operators, we are proud to have such a diverse membership, from small private jet operators through to major household airline names”.

Greg went on to say “This expansion has allowed us to greatly increase the training we offer. With the best of British on-board 2015 is looking to be another great year for a much expanded UKOMA”.

During the December Meeting the Mangers were given to a presentation on Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) by Duncan Philip from easyJet, who explained to member companies what easyJet has learnt so far on this groundbreaking new concept that brings together real time data sharing between aircraft operators, the airport community and air traffic control authorities.

Additionally the Managers were given a tour of the Eurofighter and Hawk production line showing off the best of UK design, engineering and manufacture.

November 2014 Operations Officer Course a Success

The November 2014 Operations Officer Course was once again a huge success, with 24 students from 13 aircraft operators and one private individual completing the 5 day course. 

The course which is a great introduction to working in Operations was delivered with lecturers from Titan Airways, West Atlantic, Cello, Thomson, easyJet, Thomas Cook, Air Tanker, BA Cityflyer, Airport Coordination and the Met Office.

This particular course was the first held at the Hitchin Priory Hotel, which proved to be a good location.  We were also pleased to welcome students for the first time from 2Excel Aviation, Aurigny Air Services, Eastern Airways and Air Charter Scotland.

The next courses are due to be held in March and November 2015 – see