UKOMA are pleased to announce some new appointments to the management structure as agreed upon at the groups’ last meeting. Acting Chairman, Greg Holland has been asked to continue within the role on a permanent basis. Greg, Operations Manager at one of Europe’s leading charter airlines, Titan Airways, has over 15 years of Operations experience spanning 5 different airlines. He is well placed to share his accumulated wealth of knowledge with the current and next generation of Operations staff. Greg himself attended a UKOMA Ops Officer training Course back in 2000 and says that he is “proud to be leading a long standing group that delivers the best training to Operations Staff available”.
One of Greg’s predecessor as UKOMA Chairman, Paul Drinkwater, has now been appointed as Course Director. Paul, now working for the Met Office, was previously the Operations Manager at BMI and Chaired UKOMA for many years. Greg Holland commented “UKOMA are pleased that Paul, who has contributed to the training and development of several generations of Operations Staff, is continuing to contributing to its future development and success”.
In addition to the above, Andrew Davey from Thomas Cook and Stephen Smith from Thomson Airways have been appointed as Treasurer and Meetings Secretary respectively.